UWIT Information Technology


Computer Labs at UW

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North outside view of IT building in Spring

UW Computer Labs

List of all labs

Open Labs

Available to all students. Some labs are staffed with Academic Support Lab Assistants. See schedule for staffed labs and hours.

Animal Science / Molecular Biology 402  Animal Sciences Kiosks  Agriculture 44  Agriculture 142 
CR Spares  Libraries Kiosk  Bison Run Computer Lab  Biological Sciences 37 
Libraries Kiosk  Biological Sciences 302  Business 160  Business 160 
Business 166  Business 167  Business 171  Business 172 
Business 174  Business 177  Business 182  Business 186 
Corbett 104  Corbett 106  Corbett 200  Corbett 200 
Cheney Internation Center 001  Cheney International Center 001  Cheney International Center 013  Cheney Internation Center 015 
Cheney International Center 015  Coe 100 Open Lab  Coe 100 Open Lab  Libraries Kiosk 
Coe 116 Study Room  Coe 118 Study Room  Coe 200 Open Lab  Coe Laptops 
Coe Tablets  Libraries Kiosk  Coe 202 Open Lab  Coe 213 
Coe 215 Study Room  Coe 217 Study Room  Coe 219  Coe 221 
Coe 263 Study Room  Coe 264 Study Room  Coe 266 Study Room  Coe 300 Open Lab 
Libraries Kiosk  Coe 301 Open Lab  Libraries Kiosk  Coe 310 Study Room 
Coe 339 Study Room  Coe 340 Study Room  Coe 363 Study Room  Libraries Kiosk 
Coe 439 Study Room  Coe 440 Study Room  Coe 463 Study Room  Libraries Kiosk 
Coe 539 Study Room  Coe 540 Study Room  Classroom Study 121  Classroom Study 123 
Classroom Study 125  Classroom 205  Class Room Kiosk  Libraries Kiosk 
Engineering Kiosk  Engineering 2049  Engineering 2050  Engineering 2055 
Engineering Kiosk  Engineering Spares  Geology Library  Geology Library 
Libraries Kiosk  Geology Library  Libraries Kiosk  Geology 1004 
Geology 1006  Geology 121 Study Room  Half Acrea Atrium  Half Acre - outside Outdoor Adventure 
Half Acre - outside Outdoor Adventure  History 57  History 60  History 155 
Health Sciences 361  Information Technology Center 101  Information Technology Center 104  Information Technology Center 104 
Knight Hall 106 - Visitor Center  Knight Hall Admissions Lobby  Knight Hall 170 - Registrar  Knight Hall 174 (Student Financial Aid) 
Knight Hall 228  Law School 1  Law School 122  Law School 145 
Law School 242  Performing Arts 1019  Physical Sciences 138  Ross Hall 29 
Ross Hall 29  Ross Hall 347 Statistics Lab  Ross Hall 348 Statistics Lab  Ross Hall 423 
SER 101  Student Health 1H  Student Health 2  STEM Atrium 
STEM 117  STEM 339  Union 103 MRC  Removed from Service 
Union 106 (Rainbow Resource Center)  Union 127  Union 305 (Veterans Center)  Union Kiosk 
Casper College 323  Casper College 324  Casper College 327  Casper College 328 
Casper College 461  Remote Lab System  Remote Lab System  Remote Lab System 
Engineering 1038  Engineering 1038A  Engineering 1040  Engineering 1040A 
Remote Lab System  Visual Arts 223  Visual Arts 229  Visual Arts 229 
Visual Arts 231  Washakie 6  Washakie 11  King Street Kiosks 
Willett Drive Student Computer Lab 
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Specialized and Closed Labs

These labs are either restricted to specific groups of students or have specialized software.  Priority is given to students who need to use the specialized software.

Animal Sciences 101  Agriculture 227  Agriculture 228  AG 247 
AG 3029  AG 314A  Agriculture 6022  Anthroplogy 220 
Arts & Sciences 118  Business 7  Business 26  Business 109 
Business 243  Business 262  Business 26C  Business 26D 
Business Genuis Bar  Corbett 107  Corbett 151  Coe 123 
Coe 216  Coe 218  Coe 233 SIC  Coe 237 (Studio Coe) 
Coe 506  Coe 302  EERB 122  EERB 127 
EERB 207  EERB 228  EERB 255  EERB 258 
EERB 350  Education 4  Learning Resource Library  Engineering 1032 
Engineering 1034  Engineering 1038  Engineering 1039  Engineering 1040 
Engineering 1041  Engineering 1044  Engineering 1045  Engineering 1062 
Engineering 1070  Engineering 1094  Engineering 2045  Engineering 2059 
Engineering 2064  Engineering 3046 - CAE  Engineering 3056 - CAE  Engineering 3060 - CAE 
Engineering 3065 - CAE  Engineering 4023  Engineering 4045  Engineering 4054 
Engineering 4054  Engineering 5031  Engineering 5045  Engineering 6028 
Engineering 1038A  Engineering 1040A  Engineering 3026  Guthrie House 
Half Acre 141  Hill Hall 154  Hill Hall 300  Honors House 
Health Sciences 205  Health Sciences 208  Health Sciences 291  Pharmacy 291 
Health Sciences 363  Health Sciences 364  Health Sciences 391  Health Sciences 459 
Health Sciences 460  ITC 6  ITC 181 Dev Lab  ITC 259 DIS Lab 
Knight Hall 7  Knight Hall 11  Knight Hall 13  Knight Hall 14 
Knight Hall 15  Knight Hall 37  Knight Hall 7  Knight Hall 113 
Knight Hall 322  Law School 242  Mcintyre Hall 11th Floor ESIG  Native American Center 104 
Native American Center 114  Old Main 310  Pharmacy 391  Pharmacy 395 
Rochelle Athletics 2156  Ross Hall 29  Ross Hall 427  Science Initiative 1001 
Science Initiative 2222  Science Initiative 2240  Science Initiative 3027  Science Initiative 3030 
Science Initiative 3222  Science Initiative 3240  Science Initiative 4222  Science Initiative 4240 
STEM 105  STEM 120  STEM 145  STEM 155 
STEM 255  STEM 160  STEM 180  STEM 195 
STEM 205  STEM 215  STEM 220  STEM 235 
STEM 245  STEM 255  STEM 265  STEM 267 
STEM 275  STEM 280  STEM 285  STEM 295 
STEM 317  STEM 320  Remote Lab System  Remote Lab System 
Visual Arts 110  Visual Arts 229  Visual Arts 229  Washakie 13 
Wrykshop Mobile  Wrykshop Mobile  Wrykshop Mobile  Wrykshop Mobile 
Wrykshop Mobile  Wrykshop Mobile 
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Designated as a teaching classroom. These rooms can be scheduled through the Classroom Coordinator.

Agriculture 229  AG 240  Agriculture 328  AG 3029 
Anthropology 335  Arts & Sciences 228  Biological Sciences 302  Business 108 
Corbett 103  Cheney International Center 003  Classroom 225  ED Annex 207 
ED Annex 211  ED Annex 215  ED Annex 225  ED Annex 229 
ED Annex 304  ED Annex 308  ED Annex 314  ED Annex 318 
EERB 233  EERB 251  EERB 255  EERB 301 
EERB 329  Education 6  Education 45  Education 47 
Engineering 1055  Engineering 2070  Engineering 2102  Engineering 2105 
Engineering 2016  Engineering 2106  Engineering 2108  Engineering 2109 
Engineering 2110  Engineering 3105  Engineering 3106  Engineering B105 
Performing Arts 1019  Physical Sciences 138  Physical Sciences 239 (CLAS Lab)  Ross Hall 423 
STEM 215  STEM 220  STEM 315  STEM 320 
Engineering 2070 
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Computer Aided Lecture Halls

Classrooms equipped with an instructor's computer and presentation hardware. Faculty and staff can schedule use of these rooms.

Animal Sciences 103  Animal Sciences 104  Animal Sciences 106  Agriculture 41 
Agriculture Auditorium  Agriculture 223  Agriculture 237  Agriculture 1030 
Agriculture 1032  Agriculture 2018  Agriculture 2024  AG 3026 
Agriculture 3027  Agriculture 3028  Agriculture 3030  Agriculture 4021 
Agriculture 4040  Agriculture 4041  Anthroplogy 140  Anthroplogy 150 
Arts and Sciences 209  Arts and Sciences 210  Arts and Sciences 226  Arts & Sciences 314 (DES Lab) 
Aven Nelson 212  Berry Center 138  Berry Center 217  Biological Sciences 309 
Business 8  Business 9  Business 10  Business 21 
Business 23  Business 24  Business 57  Business 110 
Business 111  Business 121  Business 123  Business 127 
Business 129  Business 208  Business 209  Business 210 
Business 211  Business 221  Corbett 137  Corbett 138 
Corbett 202  Coe 121  Classroom 103  Classroom 105 
Classroom 113  Classroom 115  Classroom 118  Classroom 129 
Classroom 133  Classroom 137  Classroom 141  Classroom 142 
Classroom 144  Classroom 147  Classroom 149  Classroom 207 
Classroom 209  Classroom 214  Classroom 215  Classroom 219 
Classroom 221  Classroom 222  Classroom 302  Classroom 306 
Classroom 310  Classroom 314  CR Spares  Education 1 
Education Auditorium  Engineering 2100  Engineering 3070  Engineering 3102 
Engineering 3104  Engineering 3108  Engineering 3109  Engineering 3110 
Engineering 3111  Engineering 3112  Engineering 3114  Engineering 4066 
Engineering 3070  Geology 216  Guthrie House 106  Guthrie House 210 
Hoyt 5  Hoyt 8  Hoyt 11  Hoyt 12 
Hoyt 37  Hoyt 40  Hoyt 125  Hoyt 142 
Health Sciences 105  Health Sciences 427  Health Sciences 463  Performing Arts 1016 
Performing Arts 1070  Performing Arts 1077  Performing Arts 1090  Performing Arts 1131 
Performing Arts 1138  Performing Arts 1138  Performing Arts 2003  Performing Arts 2102 
Performing Arts 2140  Performing Arts 3058  Physical Sciences 231  Physical Sciences 234 
Ross Hall 24  Ross Hall 247  Ross Hall 442  SER 101 
SER 209B  Science Initiative 2010  STEM 105  STEM 120 
STEM 155  STEM 205  STEM 225  STEM 255 
STEM 325  STEM 335  STEM 345  STEM 360 
STEM 365  STEM 375  STEM 380  STEM 385 
STEM 395  Casper College 313  Casper College 315  Casper College 316 
Casper College 318  Casper College 319  Casper College 322  Casper College 325 
Casper College 326  Casper College 415  Casper College 416  Casper College 417 
Casper College 418  Casper College 420  Casper College 421  Visual Arts 109 
Visual Arts 111 
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